It is the mid-semester break and I haven't been really a good girl in finishing or actually even doing my work. I have two essays due next week and both are my major essays. I know, naughty me. However, I think I have had enough of rest and fun and it is time to get serious so I officially will end my SWOTVAC break later after brunch with my MSTU3001 girlies and I will start collating my research and move on with my writing. In all honesty, I think I will be needing a shitload of motivation and intense focus on the goal to get to the end mark.

Second last day of the break and it was Friday with LovE. L being Lav and E being El. Lav is a friend of mine whom I met by chance while volunteering for UNIFEM Singapore. How we became friends is still a strange thing since we didn't see each other after the event and we led pretty much different lives. Till today, I still cannot put a finger on this but not that it matters actually so moving on... we became friends and I discover that Lav has this strong interest or if I may call it, passion for horoscopes. Like me, I love reading on horoscopes and the characteristics each sign possess. Some may call it a flake and some people I know calls it blasphemous. I personally don't care and to me, there are some characteristics that I have really portrays who and what a Gemini person is and can be. Lav and I talked a lot on GTalk and we would talk about a lot of things from horoscopes to TV shows. The common TV show that pretty much bind us together? Grey's Anatomy. And the characters that we eventually could identify with? Calliope Torres and Arizona Robbins. It is so funny, really especially when I think about it that a TV show, a fictional relationship, a fictional character can actually mirror so much of my reality. I am pretty much Dr. Robbins while my partner is Dr. Torres. Our love life pretty much resembles theirs even at the most recent disastrous part of their lives. Urm, I didn't cheat on my partner. I am just saying as they are fighting, my partner and I just went through a series of really intense fight that almost made me threw in the towel. It is one of those friendship that I always find it amazing that throughout the years, despite meeting maybe once a year or two, we still talk and we are pretty much plugged into each other's lives and we will forever be gushing about a TV character or characters. :p
I will never forget the Starbucks session that both of us had before I left for Brisbane. It was probably the one meet up that we had to schedule and reschedule a few times. It was also that meet up that I finally could tell her face to face about my love life and speak fondly about my partner and so did Lav. If you ask me, that meet up will remain as one of those great moments in our friendship because I have never spoken about my partner like in really nitty gritty details and very fondly to anyone. As much as I do share things about her, I don't tell much. It was also at that meet up where Lav told me about El and their love. Aye, so sweet can die one lor and Lav could not stop gushing about her other half and it was the cutest and lovelies thing ever, EVER. :)
Fast forward to earlier today...

Lav and El is in Brisbane! :) I have been counting down to today ever since Lav confirmed her Australia trip plans with me. It was really good to see the both of them today. I think it is a really nice feeling to see your friends from your homeland in the current place you are living at. It makes you feel like home is just there and you are never too far away from home. It was also my first time that I met El. Finally, saw the girl in person and she is a whole lot of lovely and adorable to bits! The three of us had coffee at Brew and we spoke and dished out all the deets of our lives, my possible future plans of working for the military(hahaha! what?), Grey's Anatomy and Calzona (like doh) and and of course, horoscopes. Was just telling Lav that I find it utterly amazing that I am really on good terms with Sorcha who is a Capricorn and in my history of being a Gemini for 24 years of my life, I have never had a steady friendship/relationship with Capricorns.
We went to Mecca Maxima after coffee because I wanted to show El the NARS lippie I was wearing because the first thing she noticed after we were introduced by Lav was my lip colour. And according to my aunt, that is how I usually make friends because I am always wearing something that will catch people's attention or liking. I don't even find that surprising anymore where I basically make people go check out make up or stuff. The trip was to Mecca Maxima was funny because both me and Lav were just so excited to see if the NARS lippie would suit El. The colour I am wearing turns out to be a tad too bright for her but she did end up with a NARS lippie in the end. *proud NARSissist* I also brought them to The Dark Chocolatier and made them buy chocolates to bring back home because how can you leave Queensland without buying some wonderful Noosa chocolates home! :p I think I do make a good guide for Brisbane even though I just lived here for almost a year and a half.
Really amazing Friday filled with so much smiles, laughter and joyous love. Love between the both of them especially. I am used to seeing Lav gushing about El when she talks about her when El wasn't around but truth to be told, Lav still gushes about El when she talks about her and even when El is around. It was heartwarming to the extent, it did make me miss my partner. But all's good. I am just really happy to see the both of them. So, if you look at the first photo of the post, it is the photo of El and Lav. I was thinking of a caption and this crossed my mind, when I took the initials of their name and the first alphabet - L and E. I tried to think of a word and the first word that appeared in my head was LOVE. Really, how apt and it is perfect because it totally suits them. :)
Happy me will slowly go to sleep now so that I can wake up in less than 5 hours for my final brunch before I go back to the life of a uni student slaving her life away to essays. :p
Happy weekends everyone. :)
With love,
ReplyDeleteI am finally responding to this. This is such a surprise. And you're right through - there's a mystery process in our friendship but I believe we took our time. A little talk here and there. And our partners are a big reason why we spoke too. *still have the emails exchanges*
Thank you for everything that you are. I love you free-spritedness and your obsession for Grey's (For life!) and everything else. Always wish you and A only the best with a lot of love and kindness.
Thank you for spending that wonderful afternoon with us. We had a great time! To more times!
Ps. we will continue to be LovE - always. <3